
If you'd like to apply to be included in the directory, please fill out this application.

Apply for the directory

For all questions, concerns, or encouragement feel free to fill out the form or send me a message directly: Our team will get back to you as soon as we can!

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most asked questions

For chiropractors

answers to your

How can I be included as a nervous system chiropractor for the directory?

You can apply HERE. If you are approved, we will walk through the process to get you listed on the website. 

How can I make updates to my current listing?

Please email in order to update your address, phone number, certifications, etc. 

Note: you can make changes to your personal portal, but we do not receive notifications when you do that, so please send us an email to the address above so we can update your listing. 

How do you determine who is approved to be on the directory?

Each provider recommended here has been approved ONLY after ensuring that our chiropractic philosophies align: how they explain chiropractic care, how they assess the nervous system, how they describe subluxation, and more.

How much does it cost to be listed on the directory?

It is $100 per year to be listed on the Nervous System Chiro Directory. 

Can I list my office as a whole instead of individual doctors?

No, we list individual chiropractors rather than practices. Even when the practice as a whole values nervous system chiropractic care, each chiropractor may have different certifications or philosophical beliefs. Associates may leave a practice over time too, so we felt that it made more sense to list individually.

for the public

There isn’t a chiropractor listed in my area, what should I look for if I am seeking out a chiropractor on my own?

The #1 thing you should look for in a chiropractor is someone who talks about your nervous system. If you go to your chiropractor just for pain relief, it’s like robbing a bank and only stealing the pens. Pain is the last sign of dysfunction so there is a lot more happening within your body before you physically feel it. A side effect of removing interference to your body’s nervous system — which allows your body to heal itself — is that your pain goes away. Chiropractic care is the foundation for true healing because it unleashes your body’s innate ability to heal itself.

How should I communicate with my chiropractor?

Give a thorough history: it’s helpful to know your story, whether you think the information is related to the reason you're seeking care or not. this can help put puzzle pieces together and identify a root cause to any dysfunction.

Open up about life stressors: what’s going on in your life could be impacting your nervous system. our body can often try to adapt to a stressful experience, but we can interpret this as pain or even illness.

Trust the process: nervous system chiropractic care is not a quick fix. We've been told a pill could fix our problems, but that doesn’t address the root cause, it just hides symptoms! A general rule of thumb is however many years you've been experiencing dysfunction, you can expect that many months of recovery.

What is the difference between a nervous system chiropractor and other chiropractors?

Tonal or nervous system chiropractic techniques are not muscle or bone based but rather focus on the nervous system and the related changes in a person’s physiology. Nervous system chiropractic techniques look at the nervous system first and the doctor’s input into the nervous system then affects the muscular system which, in turn, affects the skeletal and muscular systems.